Pink / by Caitlin Legere

8th annual gathering of women for women and by women - in youthful freedom at the home of Stephani Dimopoulos in Burnt Hills, New York. A celebration in honor of women standing firmly together in a time of life so usually divided by the opposite sex and caddy behaviors. Solidarity, so to speak, and art. And now, as the foremothers, Kara Jefts, Chelsey Brooks, Lara Engert, Jen Farina, Kim Morgenegg, Anna Lazarou and I carry the flame through the high school's youngest - at ten years age behind us - and see the new timid innocence and unsure faces - standing where we once thought ourselves so strong and wild. The "party" reminds us to be creative at all times, to see the beauty of being a woman and the honor of having sisters to stand strong with. And always to brighten the world with our feminine joy.

The first party, held when I was a sophomore in High School, was just a small gathering with the premise of support, love and creativity. It has emerged to stand for those things, but having a past, it must change at the hands of those currently in the art space at Scotia Glenville High. I will always honor our beginnings of embracing pink and creating images together and i hope to always be involved in the promising future of this significant sorority.

I will add all the images i can find here until i have no more to add.

Pink Party Archive

