I was recently involved in shooting, compiling, organizing and presenting an image reel for a multimedia chamber music concert in conjunction with the Taos Chamber Music Group (Taoschambermusicgroup.org) and Composer Hilary Tann (hilarytann.com). In this video - the images were generously provided by TCMG board member Robert Fitch, Taos photographer Geraint Smith (geraintsmith.com) and Richard T Hasbrouck (querencia.smugmug.com) of Truchas, NM our neighbor to the south, and myself. This reel was developed to accompany the composition "Zephyr" for alto flute and cello by TCMG director Nancy Laupheimer (Nancy is also the performing flautist).
Three pieces of H.Tann's were performed, "Nothing Forgotten" - which included images by New York Photographer Larry White - "Llef", and "The Gardens of Anna Maria Luisa De Medici". A Dvorak piece, "Dumky" trio rounded out the concert's rich program.
Shown in the contemporary gallery of the UNM Harwood Museum on the evenings of April 12 and 13, these collaborative concerts titled Mountain Currents were a wonderful honor to be a part of. Please enjoy this smaller "draft" version of the accompaniment to Zephyr.
Cat and Hilary