The Colding by Caitlin Legere

What a month prior was sunflowers and birdseed and sunburns, now colding with ice upon the ground and rooftops turning our plums soft inside and our poppies brown. Our home is preparing itself for the long cold nights ahead - cooling low and awaiting its hearth to glow. Only one dip in the rio this year. And back to dormancy we go - sleepy heads, dusty fireplace, cold hard ground, warm drinks and sweaternecks to keep the glow in.

the round green world

the beginnings

forest in the forest

haley happy

Pink by Caitlin Legere

8th annual gathering of women for women and by women - in youthful freedom at the home of Stephani Dimopoulos in Burnt Hills, New York. A celebration in honor of women standing firmly together in a time of life so usually divided by the opposite sex and caddy behaviors. Solidarity, so to speak, and art. And now, as the foremothers, Kara Jefts, Chelsey Brooks, Lara Engert, Jen Farina, Kim Morgenegg, Anna Lazarou and I carry the flame through the high school's youngest - at ten years age behind us - and see the new timid innocence and unsure faces - standing where we once thought ourselves so strong and wild. The "party" reminds us to be creative at all times, to see the beauty of being a woman and the honor of having sisters to stand strong with. And always to brighten the world with our feminine joy.

The first party, held when I was a sophomore in High School, was just a small gathering with the premise of support, love and creativity. It has emerged to stand for those things, but having a past, it must change at the hands of those currently in the art space at Scotia Glenville High. I will always honor our beginnings of embracing pink and creating images together and i hope to always be involved in the promising future of this significant sorority.

I will add all the images i can find here until i have no more to add.

Pink Party Archive





Imagin, the line in the sand by Caitlin Legere

Imagin is beauty. I am looking to see the melting center of an ancient icicle warmed by Imagin's laughter.
I am looking for Imagin in the dark hallway toward the sewing room in my grandmother's house, beyond the red velvet elevator, beyond the musty pantry and the gardens below. Which floral will she choose.
I am looking deeply for the whispers of Imagin's memory, the way she cloaks herself in the kitsch of the day and brigntens dull space with clippings of cloth and wrapping papers and foil. I am waiting for Imagin, at the base of the willow ringed by water and she sometimes lets her goldfish play under the willow there. Depending on the weather. They die in the cold. Imagin tends to the back porch steps - graying and peeling, she calls her brother over to see, the ants rushing between darkened slivers.

Laughing, Imagin walks toward the woods whispering "leaves of three, let them be". And I am walking after.

Watercolor Catalog by Caitlin Legere

from the sky to the sea,
(for the northern new mexico midwifery center auction)

plum, september 14, 2008


closing distances

dragging storm

red sun


four x pinksky

endless sky

4 batik/ watercolor on Mohawk paper


two-tone white trilogy


four x redwind1

four x redwind2


high peaks lake

hot ground



redwillow and apple

ojo verde


taos vista

hill lands I, II, III


the mask


garnet lake (collection of K Khan)

femme l'orange

bothsides (Collection of Nancy Cobean)


piedmont I II (collection of H. Tann)

the death toll

la morada del noche


scape (Collection of Elyse Levy)



octarine, details (for The Northern New Mexico Midwifery Center auction)

in the circuit or neé (on display at the Northern New Mexico Midwifery Center)

cattails (donation to the Taos Charter School auction)

up from the sky



moon ultra



black sun

(collection of H. Tann)


nobody's fault but mine



ledoux poppies


orangehands (H. Tann)

bluehands (H. Tann)

yellow tree



oil fisherman


west glenville memory


I have a long history with watercolor and pencil.
I like to combine and savor color and shape. I am often guided by contours, sometimes by still life, sometimes by memory.
I am currently represented by the Rose Gallery in Hudson, NY. Please see I prefer arches aquarelle papers and change brushes and modify techniques often.

batik by Caitlin Legere

Intense vibrant colors, luminosity. wax and dye on cloth. A good deal of time goes into a piece and it is handy to have vats, gloves, an outdoor heating element, and a clothes line. It is a hands-on full-body art. Stretched, hung as banners, or made into garments - versatile art.

champs des roses sauvages by Caitlin Legere

Portraits of the family in fall.

The winter is closing in - but it is nesting lightly - more like cooing church doves than the heavy tread i remember in New York.
Still find yourself in tee-shirts in December but always by the fire in the night.